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Frequently asked questions

Find your answer by browsing through the most frequently asked questions here.

  • Order
    • What does delivery guarantee mean?
    • Can I return my order?
    • I received the wrong seeds or quantity, what now?
    • Why didn’t I receive an order confirmation email?
    • How can I order seeds via Weedseedsexpress?
    • Is it safe to order weed seeds?
    • How do I know if Weedseedsexpress received my order?
  • Shipping
    • Do you ship to my country?
    • How do I change my shipping address?
    • I received damaged / crushed seeds. Can you send me a replacement?
    • Is my shipment discreet and stealth?
    • What does the shipment look like when it arrives?
    • Are the seeds sent in breeder packs?
    • Do you ship via regular post or courier?
    • Can I have my order shipped to my P.O. Box?
  • Payment
    • What are the payment methods you accept?
    • What is the status of my payment?
    • Where can I find the bank account details of Weedseedsexpress?
    • How does my purchase appear on my bank statement?
  • Product
    • Do you sell mixpacks or do you offer pick and mix?