Cannabis Growing Supplies (Ultimate Checklist)

Cannabis Growing Supplies (Ultimate Checklist)

You may already know important details about the life stages of cannabis or how to germinate seeds.

Now, you might be considering growing some plants yourself. If you decide to plant indoors, setting up your grow room is your first step.

As you prepare, you might wonder where to buy cannabis seeds and what specific cannabis grow supplies are necessary to ensure your plants are healthy and thrive.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about which cannabis growing equipment you might need when planning to grow weed indoors.

1. Weed Seeds

One vital item on the list of cannabis growing supplies is the weed seed itself. A variety of different strains are available on the market, so it is important to determine which one works best for you.

There are three main categories of marijuana seeds. You can get autoflower, feminized, or regular strains.

As the name suggests, auto flower marijuana seeds begin the flowering stage automatically. The phase starts a few weeks after planting. The plant has a short life cycle and is perfect for beginners. However, many autoflower seeds can provide smaller yields than the other types.

Feminized marijuana seeds are genetically engineered to produce a female plant. Growers prefer this option since they do not have to worry about male plants pollinating the females.

Feminized seeds can grow very tall, and you can get large yields.

The last type of seeds are regular cannabis strains seeds. Regular strains are natural and can produce male plants. You would need to be vigilant to ensure you remove every male from the crop, but some growers buy regular seeds to make their own cannabis strains.

2. Grow Room & Tent

If you decide to grow marijuana indoors, you will want to set up a grow room. Growers like to use a grow room since it allows them to control the environment. You can determine the kind of soil and the amount of lighting.

A grow room does not need to be a whole room. You can use a closet if you are going to plant a couple of seeds. You will want a larger area if you plan on having a bigger crop size.

Keep in mind that some strains can grow taller than one foot, and the branches may extend past the edges of the pot.

Many people use a grow tent if they do not have a specialized pot for a small area. Grow tents are compact and can fit into places like a closet. One of the benefits is that the floors are waterproof.

You have better control over environmental factors like humidity. The tents can help circulate clean air and conserve energy.

3. Carbon Filter

A carbon filter uses activated carbon to remove particles from the water and air. In the air, a filter can get rid of lint, mold, dust, smoke, and other impurities. It uses absorption to decontaminate the air, and some people call the device a carbon scrubber.

Why are carbon filters on the list for marijuana growing supplies? Weed plants can produce an unwanted smell, especially when it reaches the flowering stage. You might not want the aroma to travel to other areas of the home.

A filter can control the smell by trapping the odor inside when growing weed indoors.

The filter has an exhaust vent to help the airflow through the device and purify it. Carbon filters also can come in handy with your water supply. They remove sediments, chlorine, and odor from water, but the essential minerals remain.

Carbon filters can be more effective when growers use other measures like an air conditioner. You also can get some low odor weed strains to reduce the odor. You will not have to worry about a smelly room after planting your seeds.

4. Grow Lights

When growing cannabis outside, the sun is the main source of light. When you grow indoors, however, you do not have this luxury at your disposal. This is why grow lights should be high on your list when shopping for weed growing supplies.

You have several options to choose from if you decide on indoor cultivation. One type is fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs, and they do not need any special equipment. CFL bulbs save energy, but can only grow one or two plants.

Another option is HID lights, which come in MH and HPS variants. MH bulbs produce a bluish light, and HPS ones are redder. HID lights are reliable for great yields, but give off intense heat.

LED grow lights work for vegetative and flowering stages, and they save on cooling costs. However, there is no industry standard for these bulbs. You can get LEC bulbs, which have a natural light spectrum. Nevertheless, the setup can be costly.

The best indoor grow light can depend on factors like the size of your growing area and the type of seed. If you have a small grow space, a CFL bulb is the best option. For bigger crops, a LED light of 400-600W is suitable for healthy plants.

5. Pots & Containers

The right weed plant pot size is essential for growing marijuana plants. As the plant grows, you will want to get larger containers. Not all strains will need the same size.

For example, an autoflower plant is suitable for small and medium-sized pots since it does not grow too tall.

Similar to grow lights, there are a few types of containers you can get. One is a standard flowerpot that you can buy anywhere for an affordable price. It is necessary to find one with a drainage hole.

Another kind is a smart pot. Also called fabric pots, they air-prune the roots to promote better growth.

An air pot is similar to a smart pot, but it is made of plastic. There are air holes on the side, and you would need to water more often. Growers sometimes use a container called a hempy bucket.

Hempy buckets do not have a drainage hole at the bottom, but a couple of inches above. You can water less frequently, but the nutrient solution should not become stagnant.

6. Growing Medium

There are also different kinds of growing mediums to help you cultivate a successful yield. Growers can use regular soil that is enriched with nutrients. The cost is low, and you can get the best-tasting harvest. Still, the soil has a higher risk of pests and mold.

Many people use a grow medium called coco coir. Coco is filled with enough nutrients and is renewable. It is a pH-neutral medium, but you may not find it in physical stores as easily.

Related Article: Growing Cannabis in Coco

Rockwool is another option, and it is effective at retaining moisture. You can find the medium in cubes or slabs, but you should keep an eye on the pH and nutrient levels.

Some growing medium mixes use vermiculite, which is lightweight. Growers like vermiculite because it is good at absorbing water. Each growing medium has its benefits, but coco tends to be a popular choice.

Coco is easy to grow cannabis in, just like soil, but it has some added advantages.

7. Nutrients

Cannabis plants require various amounts of each nutrient at each phase to stay healthy. The three common macronutrients you will see are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Nitrogen plays a big role during the plant's vegetative stage.

Without it, cannabis cannot develop chlorophyll to turn light into energy.

Phosphorus is vital for seed and root growth. The roots might show signs of being underdeveloped if there is not enough phosphorus in the growing medium. A plant runs the risk of not entering the flowering stage.

Growers should ensure their plants have enough to get large and healthy buds.

Potassium is necessary for the regulation of salt and water concentrations in the plant. The nutrient helps open and close the stomata, which are the pores in the leaves. Potassium also aids in the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water, and oxygen.

The micronutrients that cannabis needs are magnesium, copper, iron, and calcium. These should be provided in smaller amounts compared to the three macronutrients. They help with the absorption of minerals and plant metabolism.

Growers should give the right amount of each mineral to prevent nutrient burns.

8. Ventilation

Another important aspect of growing cannabis is ventilation. Ventilation provides a flow of fresh air for the plants. The air can help with the process of photosynthesis.

Without ventilation, the plants will likely starve. Not to mention, the grow room pests and pathogens may appear in a hot, humid environment.

If you have an indoor growing tent, the structure has a port to allow proper ventilation. There are two ways growers can bring air into the room.

Passive intake is when air naturally flows to the cannabis plant through holes in the wall of your room or tent.

Active intake is when air gets pulled into the grow room. Typically, a person uses a fan for active intake ventilation. It is one of the more effective ways to achieve circulation in the grow room or tent.

The air should move above and below the plants, but a strong fan should not point directly at them. You can use a small oscillating fan to provide a breeze in a wide area. It can help avoid damage to the leaves and stems.

9. Thermometer

A thermometer is essential equipment for measuring the temperature of marijuana crops. It can let you know if the room or tent is too cold or warm. Colder temperatures can slow down the speed your plants grow.

Some do not show signs of stress and continue to grow, but the yield may not be as large.

Plants also can grow slowly if the temperature gets above 26 °C (80 °F). They could be vulnerable to pests and root rot, especially if the room is humid. Generally, cannabis can become more resistant to heat and cold as it matures.

The optimal temperature range varies depending on the stage of the life cycle.

At the seedling stage, the best conditions are a sunny and warm environment. The room should be anywhere between 20 and 25 °C (68 and 77 °F). The temperature can go up to 30°C (86 °F) during the vegetative stage.

When cannabis gets to the flowering stage, the room should return somewhere between 20 and 25 °C (68 and 77 °F). Buds do not run the risk of burning in the terpenes.

Some grow lights produce more heat than others. Routinely monitor your thermometer to know if you need to make some changes.

10. pH Meter

The pH of the soil refers to how acidic or alkaline it is on a scale of 1-14. Numbers below seven mean the substance is acidic. When it comes to cannabis plants, they can only absorb nutrients when the pH of the soil is between six and seven.

Any lower or higher may lead to some nutrient deficiencies.

You can measure the pH with a measuring kit to ensure a bountiful harvest when growing indoors. You also can get a pH meter, which is quick and simple to do.

After some calibration, you would stick the meter into the growing medium to get an accurate reading. It is important to check the pH regularly.

There are pH solutions available to help raise or lower the acidity. Add small amounts while monitoring the meter to get back to the optimal range.

What have we learned?

Growing cannabis indoors requires specific tools and attention to detail. Key supplies include weed seeds, a grow room or tent, a carbon filter to control odors, and specific grow lights.

The plants also need suitable pots and a proper growing medium, such as soil or coco coir. Nutrients are vital, especially nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Proper ventilation ensures fresh air circulation, while thermometers and pH meters help monitor and maintain the optimal environment for your cannabis.

In essence, each component plays a pivotal role in ensuring the health and productivity of your indoor cannabis plants.

Want to learn more about growing weed plants? Visit our Learning Center to become a true master of cannabis cultivation!