Sirius Black Feminized - Week by Week Grow Diary

Sirius Black Grow Diary Week by Week

This week-by-week grow diary follows CorinnaFarm cultivating Sirius Black feminized seeds from Weedseedsexpress.

From germination to harvest, the diary captures key details on growth stages, nutrient usage, and techniques, culminating in a satisfying yield with flavorful, potent buds.

Corinna Farm's Grow Setup

Here's some key info about Corinna Farm grow setup, including how many plants he grew, the size of grow tent, and much more.

Strain Sirius Black Feminized seeds by WeedSeedsExpress
Number of Plants Grown 1
Grow Tent Bonanza Clima (0,35m2) Grow Tent
Light cycle 18/6 vegative, 12/12 flowering
Grow Room Temperature 23C daytime, 18C during night
Medium Perlite
Nutrients used

Fast Plants Spray, Organic Grow Liquid, Growzyme, Humic Acid Plus, Fast Buds, Organic Bloom Liquid

Seed to harvest time 14 weeks
Veg time 4 weeks
Flowering time 9  weeks
Plant training used LST
Germination method  Directly In Substrate


Final Results

Yield: 167.2 ounce / 167.2 gram wet
Growing Review A satisfying yield and enjoying the strain's sweet taste, relaxing effects, and ease of cultivation.

Grow Diary Sirius Black Feminized Seeds


The chosen method for germination was directly in the substrate. With this approach, the seed went straight into the soil, skipping other techniques like soaking or paper towel methods. Growers using this method report an average success rate of 93%, although it is not the most popular option, with around 20% of growers opting for it.

In this case, the results were perfect. The Sirius Black feminized seed, from Weedseedsexpress, showed 100% success. The seed sprouted and quickly revealed its first signs of growth. The seedling emerged strong, and the first set of leaves looked healthy and promising.

Germination Sirius Black Seeds in containerGerminated Sirius Black Seed Sprouting

week 1 & 2

The Sirius Black feminized seedling has reached a height of 3 cm under an 18-hour light schedule. The temperature during the day is a steady 23°C, dropping to 18°C at night, while humidity holds at 50%. The plant has been kept 30 cm from the lamp, ensuring it receives the right intensity of light.

Nutrients have been introduced in the form of Fast Plants Spray from Green Buzz Nutrients at 3.79 ml per gallon. So far, everything seems on track. New leaves are coming in slowly but surely, showing a nice, healthy thickness and color. Nothing to worry about at this stage—everything is growing as expected.

By week 2, the plant has grown to 4 cm. The environment remains consistent with the same light schedule and temperatures as week 1. Pot size was upgraded to 7 gallons, filled with fresh soil. The transplant process went smoothly, and the plant handled the move well.

Leaf color continues to look good, with solid structure and healthy growth. Nutrients remain the same, with the regular application of Fast Plants Spray. The plant is progressing well, with no major issues to report.

Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 1Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 2

week 3 & 4

The Sirius Black feminized plant reached 11 cm in height. The 18-hour light schedule remains constant, with temperatures holding steady at 23°C during the day and 18°C at night. Humidity has dropped slightly to 45%, but this is still within a good range. The plant is kept 30 cm from the light source.

The grower introduced low-stress training (LST) this week, carefully tying the plant down to promote lateral growth without causing stress. The plant responded well, showing no signs of slowing down. Leaf structure remains strong, and the color continues to be healthy and vibrant.

The plant holds steady at 11 cm in height during week 4. Environmental conditions remain unchanged, with the same light schedule and temperatures as in previous weeks. Humidity also stays at 45%. The pot size is still 7 gallons, allowing the roots ample room to spread.

Additional nutrients were added this week: Organic Grow Liquid (7.57 ml/gal), Growzyme (3.79 ml/gal), and Humic Acid Plus (3.79 ml/gal), alongside the continued use of Fast Plants Spray. These supplements are expected to boost growth as the plant progresses.

The LST technique was maintained, with slight adjustments to encourage continued outward growth. The plant looks strong and healthy, and preparations are being made to transition the lighting for the flowering stage soon.

Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 3Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 4

Week 5

In week 5, the Sirius Black feminized plant continued steady growth, reaching 15 cm in height. The environment remained consistent with an 18-hour light schedule, day temperatures at 23°C, night temperatures at 18°C, and 45% humidity. The plant continued thriving in its 7-gallon pot with the light held at 30 cm distance.

Low-stress training (LST) was maintained, helping control the plant’s height and encouraging lateral branching. With LST in place, the plant remained well-spread and sturdy, without shooting too tall. Around 10 days remain before the light schedule switch, marking the transition to flowering.

Nutrient feedings increased this week, with a total of 30.28 ml per gallon. Additions included Fast Plants Spray (3.79 ml/gal), Organic Grow Liquid (7.57 ml/gal), Growzyme (3.79 ml/gal), Humic Acid Plus (3.79 ml/gal), and Fast Buds (11.36 ml/gal). This nutrient mix supported continued healthy growth.

Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 5Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 5 end

Week 6 - Flowering Stage Begins

The light schedule was finally switched to 12 hours, officially marking the beginning of the flowering stage. The plant stayed at 15 cm, but immediately began to stretch as expected. The environment stayed consistent with day temperatures at 23°C and night temperatures at 18°C, while humidity remained stable at 45%.

In response to the light change, the plant stretched and appeared eager to enter this new phase. Nutrients were adjusted accordingly, with a total feed of 37.85 ml/gal. This week, Organic Bloom Liquid (7.57 ml/gal) was added to the mix, alongside the regular lineup of Fast Plants Spray, Organic Grow Liquid, Growzyme, Humic Acid Plus, and Fast Buds.

The plant looks healthy and vital, setting the stage for a strong flowering phase. 🌱

Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 6 startSirius Black Feminized Plant Week 6 end

Week 7 & 8

The Sirius Black feminized plant hit 19 cm after a noticeable stretch following the switch to 12 hours of light. The environment remains consistent: day temperatures at 23°C, night at 18°C, and humidity holding at 45%. The plant's smell is starting to develop, signaling the start of the flowering process.

With the stretch in full effect, the plant required more water and nutrients to sustain its growth. A total of 37.85 ml/gal of nutrients were provided, including the usual lineup: Fast Plants Spray, Organic Grow Liquid, Growzyme, Humic Acid Plus, Fast Buds, and Organic Bloom Liquid.

Freshly watered, the plant looks strong and vital as it continues to progress through flowering. The leaves and structure remain healthy, showing no signs of stress. Growth is steady, and everything is on track for the weeks ahead.

By week 8, the plant maintained its height at 19 cm, signaling the end of its stretching phase. The light schedule remains the same at 12 hours, with environmental conditions unchanged. The first stigmas have appeared, a sign that flowering is advancing. The smell is more pronounced, and the plant seems to have settled into this phase smoothly.

Nutrient feeding remains consistent at 37.85 ml/gal, with the same mix of Fast Plants Spray, Organic Grow Liquid, Growzyme, Humic Acid Plus, Fast Buds, and Organic Bloom Liquid. These additions continue to support healthy bud development as the plant progresses further into flowering.

"The stretching is done, and everything looks solid so far." 😅

Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 7Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 8

week 9 & 10

the Sirius Black feminized plant has settled into its flowering rhythm at 19 cm, holding steady with no more vertical growth. The 12-hour light schedule continues, with stable environmental conditions—23°C during the day, 18°C at night, and 45% humidity. The smell is becoming more noticeable as flowering progresses.

The plant is showing more and more stigmas, a clear sign that bud development is well underway. The nutrients are being well absorbed, with the plant tolerating the feedings without any issues. Each plant has slightly different needs, but the overall health remains solid.

By week 10, the flowering stage continues to show good progress. The plant remains at 19 cm, and the smell is intensifying as buds begin to form more clearly. The conditions are kept the same, ensuring the plant stays comfortable while it focuses on bud development.

Nutrients stay at 37.85 ml/gal with the familiar mix of Fast Plants Spray, Organic Grow Liquid, Growzyme, Humic Acid Plus, Fast Buds, and Organic Bloom Liquid. The plant responds well, and the buds are becoming more defined and promising in size.

Everything is looking positive, and the upcoming weeks will likely show further bud growth as the plant approaches maturity.

Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 9Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 10

Week 11 & 12

As the Sirius Black feminized plant enters week 11, the height remains consistent at 19 cm, with no more vertical growth. The 12-hour light schedule stays unchanged, and environmental conditions hold steady at 23°C during the day, 18°C at night, and 45% humidity.

The buds are visibly swelling, and the plant is taking on the colors of late-stage flowering. The smell has intensified, filling the grow space with a rich aroma, signaling that harvest time is approaching. The plant is responding well to the nutrient routine, absorbing everything efficiently.

In week 12, the plant continues to mature. Buds are swelling even more, and the signs of autumn are becoming more apparent on the plant, indicating it is nearing the final stages. The smell has become quite strong, and visually the plant looks full and healthy. The conditions remain stable, with temperatures holding at 23°C during the day and 18°C at night, and humidity still at 45%.

Nutrients remain consistent at 37.85 ml/gal, with Fast Plants Spray, Organic Grow Liquid, Growzyme, Humic Acid Plus, Fast Buds, and Organic Bloom Liquid all being fed every second watering. The plant is hungry at this stage, demanding more nutrients as it pushes towards the end.

It won’t be long now before harvest. "Die Knospen schwellen immer weiter, und der Herbst setzt ein." 🍁 The plant looks great, and everything is progressing smoothly.

Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 11Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 12

Week 13 

The final week of flowering has arrived, with the plant holding steady at 19 cm. The light schedule remains at 12 hours, and environmental conditions are kept stable—23°C during the day, 18°C at night, and 45% humidity. The smell is now fully developed, rich and intense, filling the air with a strong, sweet aroma.

By now, the buds are fully swollen and covered in a generous layer of resin, giving them a glistening appearance. The colors of late flowering are in full display, with hints of purple and autumn tones showing across the plant, signaling the end of its cycle.

Nutrient feedings continue with 37.85 ml/gal, including Fast Plants Spray, Organic Grow Liquid, Growzyme, Humic Acid Plus, Fast Buds, and Organic Bloom Liquid, ensuring the plant gets the final boost it needs as it finishes maturing.

"It looks like autumn, with beautiful colors and resin-covered buds—simply heavenly." 😍 The plant is now at its peak, ready for harvest soon.

Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 13Sirius Black Feminized Plant Week 13 also

Harvest Sirius Black

After 13 weeks of growth, the harvest is in for the Sirius Black feminized plant from Weedseedsexpress. This strain produced a total of 46.7 grams of dry bud from 167.2 grams wet weight, with one plant harvested from a grow space of 0.012 m². The efficiency came to 0.39 grams per watt and an impressive 3891.67 grams per square meter, with 46.7 grams per plant.

The buds carry a rich, zesty citrus aroma, with sweet and woody undertones. The flavor mirrors this, delivering a fruity yet slightly woody finish that lingers on the palate. The combination of flavors makes it a well-rounded and enjoyable smoke.

It’s perfect for winding down and easing into sleep, though it also leaves room for creative thoughts and a cheerful mood before the full-body relaxation takes over. However, dry eyes can be expected, a typical side effect of this strain.

CorinnaFarm was very satisfied with the yield and quality, noting the sweet taste and potent effects. The strain is likely to be cultivated again in the future, as the outcome met expectations both in flavor and performance.

Sirius Black Feminized Plant ready for harvestSirius Black nugs just harvested

Grow your own Sirius Black Feminized

Want to grow alike? Get yourself ready and add some Sirius Black seeds to your basket.