There are multiple training methods you can use to get the most out of your crops. Each one has its benefits and works better for certain strains. You might use one or multiple techniques for a bountiful harvest. One that you can try is Super Cropping.

Based on initial appearances, super crop weed is a process that appears to be something you would avoid. After all, why would you bend your branches to a nearly right angle?

In reality, Super Cropping is effective in getting more buds to grow. Your plants will remain fine during the process. Below is a guide on how to super crop weed to help you be successful in your endeavors.

What is Super Cropping?

Super Cropping is a method of high-stress training that can be applied to improve your crops. The process does involve hurting your weed plant, but it is all planned out in a way that benefits your crops. You would grow a bush-like plant by crushing and pinching its stems instead of cutting branches.

The inside of the stems becomes soft, while the outside remains intact. The goal is to make each plant more productive when it is time to harvest. You can perform Super Cropping on almost every cannabis plant.

The technique can be a challenge for new growers, and the result can be poor if done incorrectly. After a bit of practice, the steps become easier to do.

Advantages of Super Cropping Weed Plants

Some growers like Super Cropping their weed plants because it helps support the plant during the flowering stage. However, the main benefit of the training technique is an increased yield. Despite all the stress, your plants will come back stronger than ever. The method strengthens vegetative growth, and there will be better bud development.

Not to mention, the light can reach other colas besides the main one. You will have more buds to harvest from the mature plant when she enters that final stage.

Other than increasing the yield size, you can use Super Cropping to improve potency. As nature dictates, a female cannabis plant produces more cannabinoids and resin in defense against predators.

When you damage cannabis by pinching, you can get multiple buds with terpene-rich trichomes. If you want a large yield full of THC, Super Cropping is the way to go.

When can you start Super Cropping?

When training cannabis, one of the things to keep in mind is the best time to begin. With super cropping, the vegetative stage is the most opportune time for manipulating plants. Your cannabis will have grown many healthy branches.

It is best to wait until the third or fourth week of vegetation. You can tell it is time if the plant has at least three nodes. If you are new to the process, you can start in the late half of the vegetative phase.

The safe time to do this is roughly three to seven days before the plants move on to the flowering phase. This way, you do not have to worry about starting too soon. The plants still have enough time to recover from the stress.

Also, make sure the plant is not dealing with any pests, mold, or nutrient deficiencies. Since Super Cropping is highly stressful, your weed plants need to be healthy to handle it.

Some growers might suggest Super Cropping within the first two weeks of the flowering phase. The plant experiences a final explosive growth before it goes into full bloom. However, this is risky, and late Super Cropping is generally unsuccessful. The stems will no longer be bendy and can easily snap.

How many times can you Super Crop a plant?

New growers may want to perform Super Cropping once while training weed. After all, the process is stressful, and the plant may endure cracks that form in the stems. If you have some experience or feel comfortable enough, you can perform the method multiple times.

The process does not stunt growth. Still, it can help to wait a bit for the plant to recover before starting again. When you apply Super Cropping again, crop the stems at the equivalent height.

Can you Super Crop autoflowers?

As mentioned before, you can apply Super Cropping to almost any strain. However, you should avoid using the technique on autoflowers unless you are a truly advanced grower with plenty of Super Cropping experience.

The reason why plants grown from feminized autoflower seeds are not very suitable is because of their rapid growth rate.

The strains have a shorter life cycle, so they usually do not have enough time to recover before they bloom. Super Cropping needs a longer vegetative period to be effective, and you have less control over when autoflowers start flowering.

If you do insist on applying the technique, make sure you are double careful. You can use a strain that does not grow as fast as others, but it still is risky to do. Your autoflower plants can benefit more from low-stress training instead. 

What you need for Super Cropping

One of the best things about Super Cropping is that you don't need any fancy, expensive tools. The first thing you should get is some twist ties for your plants. String and zip ties can also help hold down the branches, but the string can rub into the stem's skin over time.

Many people buy garden stakes to help keep the stems tied down. The stakes act as anchorage points for the plant ties. Some people prefer to connect the branch to another one.

The next thing you will need is a roll of duct tape. You can use the tape if you make a mistake. The branches might break or tear during the process. Duct tape will then act as a bandage while the stem heals. It is a temporary measure to keep your weed plant healthy.

The most important tools at your disposal are your fingers. When the time comes to squeeze and pinch, your fingers will get the job done. Of course, patience is key to Super Cropping. You should not rush the method to avoid any mistakes.

Supercropping is a high stress training that can be applied to improve your crops

How to Super Crop my weed plants?

Just like many things in life, it is okay to be nervous about Super Cropping if this is your first time. Over time, the technique will become more intuitive. The right knowledge can get you the results you are looking for. To Super Crop Weed:


1. Select the branches

Each cannabis plant has plenty of branches, but you will want to choose the best ones. The most suitable stems are the mature ones that are still pliable. You can easily make them bend in the direction you want them to grow.

When selecting the branches, they should not be too old or appear wood-like at the bottom. They should still be green, like an unripe banana.

You can aim for the taller branches as well. Super Cropping will help lower them to make the canopy more even. Ideally, there should be no stems sticking up higher than the others. Also, start with only a few branches at a time.

You can see how well the plant reacts to the stress of the technique. The branches should be in the same location as the multiple colas if your plant already has more than one.

2. Squeeze and bend

Step 2 is where the fun begins. Once you have the suitable branches, place one between your thumb and forefinger. Some people start at the base of the stem, and most cropping should not be higher than the second node from the top.

Gently but firmly apply pressure to the spot where you want the stem to bend. The aim is to soften the inner tissue before you actually bend the branch.

You can wiggle the stem between your fingers slowly for about 10 seconds. The action can help loosen up the joint. Soon, it should feel soft and pliable enough to bend. Slowly bend the branch in the direction you want it to go. However, you should not force it, especially if it seems like it will snap.

For stiffer stems, you can wiggle them back for about a minute. Grab some twist ties and secure the branch in place. The plant can return to its original shape if it is not bent enough. The stem should look like it is stuck at a 90-degree angle.

Repeat the process for all the other branches until you have a relatively flat canopy. After a while, the stems will form knots in the bent spots. The knots help transport more water and nutrients through the plant.

3. Repair

Some people make the mistake of grabbing the branches and snapping them to speed up Super Cropping. Breaks, cracks, and bruising are likely to happen during your first attempt at the technique. Even experienced growers can make an error or two during Super Cropping.

Don't worry if you caused a bit of damage. After all, cannabis plants are known for being resilient. You can conveniently fix the stems with some duct tape if the damage is beyond natural repair. Cut off a bit of the tape and wrap it around the torn spot.

Some people provide support to the broken stem by tying it to a garden stake or another branch. The branch can remain strong as it heals. You may notice the plant grows some new supportive branches while she tries to repair herself. Tie those down as well.

After about a week, the stem should be healthy again. The cracked area usually forms a knot or woody nodule. It acts as a permanent band-aid while making sure a proper flow of nutrients occurs.

If you do not spot any tears in the outer tissue, you do not have to use your duct tape for this growth cycle.

4. Remove the duct tape

Check back in occasionally to make sure your weed plants are doing well. After a week passes, you can carefully remove the duct tape from the plant. You most likely will notice discoloration in the formally damaged spot. There is no need to worry since this is normal.

However, a gray hue could indicate that the branch needs more time to heal. If the branch still looks damaged, cover it back up with tape. Nutrients and water will still flow through it like normal.

Wait a bit longer and check again to see if everything is okay. If the damage has been repaired, remove the tape altogether.

5. Enjoy the results

The stress of Super Cropping is finally over. Once you have finished the training method, the final results will be more branches and more potent buds. Your weed becomes short and bushy, which is perfect for a small growing space.

Now, all you need to worry about is taking care of the plant until it is time to harvest.

Strains that are very suitable for Super Cropping

If you want more convenience with Super Cropping, you should buy marijuana seeds that are best suited for the job.

One strain that is suitable for this growing technique is Sour Diesel. Sour Diesel plants have a potential for high levels of THC, which Super Cropping can bring out. The plant is sturdy and perfect for beginners. Since Sour Diesel can become quite tall, she can benefit from Super Cropping.

You cannot go wrong with growing some Skywalker OG. They also produce plenty of buds and resin. This strain responds well to high-stress training techniques like Super Cropping. She can handle the stress while calming yours.

Lastly, you can try our Bubba Kush. Bubba Kush is smaller but makes up for it with its harvest size. Not only is this strain easy to grow, but it can forgive a beginner's mistakes. You can have an easier time repairing any tears while Super Cropping.

What did we learn?

We have learned that super cropping weed is a high-stress training technique that involves bending the young green branches to a 90-degree angle. While you might damage your weed plants by doing this, they will recover if you make sure you help the plant recover.

If you apply this technique at the right time, with proper care and attention, advanced growers can achieve bigger and better yields.

You can now cross Super Cropping off your bucket list, but you still have a lot more to do before enjoying your weed. For example, you may want to mainline and apply low-stress training.