Hindu Kush Feminized - Week by week Grow diary

Hindu Kush Feminized Grow Diary

With 49 diaries and a growing community of 126 followers, Theia has become a respected figure on Growdiary. Known for meticulous attention to detail and a passion for cannabis cultivation, Theia has cultivated a diverse range of strains, including 11 grow diaries focused on strains from WeedSeedsExpress.

Theia’s expertise shines through in every grow, consistently delivering impressive results while sharing valuable insights with the community. Whether experimenting with different techniques or nurturing unique strains, Theia’s dedication and knowledge make each diary a must-follow for cannabis enthusiasts looking to learn from a seasoned grower.

Theia's Grow Setup

Here's some key info about Theia's grow setup, including how many plants he grew, the size of grow tent, and much more.

Strain Hindu Kush Feminized seeds by WeedSeedsExpress
Number of Plants Grown 1
Grow Tent 1m2
Light cycle 19/5 vegative, 12/12 flowering
Grow Room Temperature 21C daytime, 19C during night
Medium Perlite, Coco Coir
Nutrients used

Organic CalMag, Humic Acid Plus, Growzyme, Organic Bloom Liquid,
Organic More PK

Seed to harvest time 14 weeks
Veg time 4 weeks
Flowering time 9  weeks
Plant training used LST & HST
Germination method  soaked in a solution of humic acid more roots and calmag
for 12hrs then into tissue and a dark place until tap roots.


Final Results

Yield: 29.7 ounce / 844 gram wet
Growing Review Wonderful plant and very easy to grow. 

Grow Diary Hindu Kush Feminized Seeds


Theia began the Hindu Kush grow by soaking the seeds in a solution of humic acid, More Roots, and CalMag, carefully adjusted to a pH of 6 at 25°C. The seeds were soaked for about 12 hours, allowing them to absorb the nutrients and prepare for germination. After the soak, the seeds were transferred to a tissue and placed in a dark area until taproots emerged. This method ensured the seeds had an optimal environment to get  started.
Once the taproots appeared, Theia moved the seeds into jiffy pellets, where they began to develop shoots. The first shoot appeared shortly, marking a successful germination and signaling the start of what promises to be a strong and resilient plant. Theia is excited to roll into the next chapter, confident that the Hindu Kush's robust genetics, shaped by its mountainous origins, will lead to a rewarding grow.

Hindu Kush seeds soaked in a solution of humic acid, More Roots, and CalMagHindu Kush seeds succesfully germinated

Week 1 and 2

In the first week of vegetation, Theia's Hindu Kush showed promising vigor. Standing at 6 cm tall under a 19-hour light schedule, the plant maintained a stable environment with a day temperature of 20°C, a night temperature of 18°C, and a pH of 6. Theia supplemented with Humic Acid Plus, More Roots, and Organic CalMag, all from Green Buzz Nutrients. The plant responded well, despite lower-than-ideal temperatures, and will stay in the solo cup for another week before transplanting. Theia focused on maximizing the environment, especially VPD, to ensure a smooth transition to the next stage.

Week 2 saw the Hindu Kush reach 8 cm in height. Theia repotted the plant into an 11L pot filled with Ecothrive Coco Lite (70/30) pre-loaded with Ecothrive Charge, a nutrient-rich frass product. Theia ensured the new substrate was enhanced with Living Organics for a healthy microbial environment. This setup is intended to support robust root development without overwhelming the plant with nutrients too soon. Theia continued to use More Roots and began foliar feeding with Fast Plant Spray, a gentle NPK supplement, while maintaining a 21°C day temperature and 19°C at night.
Photons were kept at 350 µmol/m²/s with added UVA, and 30 minutes of far-red light as the main lights turned off, aiming for the Emerson effect. Theia plans to increase watering to 20% runoff next week, a step that should lead to significant growth, though initial stress is expected. 

A Hindu Kush plant in its 1st weekA Hindu Kush plant in its 2nd week

Week 3 and 4

Theia's Hindu Kush made significant progress in week 3, growing to 15 cm. With a stable environment, the plant thrived under a 19-hour light schedule, maintaining a day temperature of 21°C and night temperature of 20°C. Theia introduced a full nutrient regimen, including More Roots, Organic CalMag, Fast Plants Spray, Living Organics, Humic Acid Plus, Growzyme, Fast Buds, and Organic Grow Liquid, totaling 60.57 ml/gal. The plant was watered with 1.2 liters daily, ensuring consistent moisture and nutrient uptake. VPD was on point, and the plant’s growth was strong, indicating it’s on track to become a monster. Topping was planned for the week ahead.

By week 4, the Hindu Kush had shot up to 25 cm. Theia successfully topped the plant last week, with no setbacks, and it responded with vigorous growth. The environment remained ideal, with a day temperature of 22°C, night temperature of 20°C, and the plant now receiving 2 liters of water daily. Theia increased the nutrient concentration to 64.35 ml/gal, raising the EC to 1.1 in preparation for the upcoming stretch. Recognizing that the plant prefers slightly lower humidity, Theia placed it near the dehumidifier, keeping the relative humidity at around 56%.
The plant continues to be foliar fed with Fast Plant Spray, a practice that will continue until the flip to flowering. The Hindu Kush is thriving, setting the stage for a strong flowering phase.

A Hindu Kush plant in its 3rd weekA Hindu Kush plant in its 4th week

Week 5 and 6

In week 5, Theia's Hindu Kush entered full flowering mode, growing to 33 cm. Theia introduced heavy training techniques, including LST and HST, bending, tying, and twisting the plant to shape its canopy for optimal light exposure. Despite the intense training, the plant responded well, showing good structure and growth. Nutrient levels were increased, with Big Fruits and Organic Bloom Liquid added to the regimen, while More Roots and Fast Buds were phased out. The environment remained stable, with automated controls keeping temperature and humidity within tight ranges, contributing to a smooth transition into the stretch phase.

Week 6 saw significant growth, with the plant reaching 50 cm. The shape developed nicely, setting up for a productive flowering phase. Theia continued to fine-tune the nutrient regimen, increasing bloom feeds and Big Fruits while maintaining optimal conditions. The lights were adjusted to 30 cm above the canopy, running at 40% power, providing a peak of 750 µmol/m²/s in the center. The room's environment remained ideal, with an average temperature of 21.5°C and humidity at 58.2%. The plant is thriving, with flower sites beginning to form, signaling a strong start to the flowering phase.
Theia continued daily foliar feeding with Fast Plant Spray, ensuring the plant remained healthy and vibrant. Overall, the Hindu Kush is on track for a successful bloom, with Theia’s meticulous care and environmental control playing a key role.

A Hindu Kush plant in its 5th weekA Hindu Kush plant in its 6th week

Week 7 and 8

Week 7 marked a difficult time for Theia, as personal circumstances overshadowed the grow. Despite the challenges, the Hindu Kush continued to thrive, reaching 80 cm in height. Theia adjusted the nutrient regimen, removing the grow nutrients and adding Organic More PK to support flowering, bringing the EC up to 1.8. The lights remained at 40% power, with plans to introduce UVB this week. Although the update was brief, the plant showed no signs of stress and continued to develop well.

By week 8, the Hindu Kush had grown to 97 cm, displaying significant vertical growth. Theia shifted focus back to the grow, noting that the plant was thriving under the adjusted feeding schedule, with an EC of 1.8 to 1.9. The plant responded well to the training, growing wider and not as tall as Theia’s other plants, allowing better light penetration to the lower branches. The Hindu Kush exhibited a mix of fat, Indica-like leaves early in veg, transitioning to more slender, Sativa-like leaves in flower. This leaf structure allowed optimal light distribution, promoting healthy growth throughout the plant.
Theia expressed satisfaction with the plant’s progress, noting its beauty and resilience. Though the grow space was tight, the Hindu Kush continued to impress with its vigor and adaptability.

A Hindu Kush plant in its 7th weekA Hindu Kush plant in its 8th week

Week 9 and 10

In week 9, Theia's Hindu Kush continued its steady progress in flowering. The plant maintained a height of 97 cm, thriving under a 12-hour light schedule with an average day temperature of 20°C and a pH of 6.2. The lights were increased to around 50% power, delivering approximately 800 µmol/m²/s of light, while UVB was introduced twice daily.

Theia noted that this week was easy and drama-free, with the plant responding well to the consistent environment. Despite the higher humidity needs of the Hindu Kush compared to other plants, Theia found a perfect spot near the extractor feed to accommodate this preference. Feeding was adjusted to 2.0 EC to meet the plant’s increased appetite, ensuring it stayed healthy and vigorous.

Week 10 brought more of the same positive growth. The Hindu Kush remained at 97 cm, showcasing its impressive structure typical of a Kush strain. Theia described the plant as a "queen" with a regal build, noting that the flowers were developing beautifully, covered in trichomes and pistils. The aroma in the room was sweet and citrusy, hinting at the strain’s rich terpene profile.

Theia maintained the feeding regimen at 1.8 EC, though supplies of Big Fruits ran out, with plans to reintroduce it as soon as possible to promote dense bud formation. The lights, running at 50%, provided an average PPFD of 1005 µmol/m²/s, while UVB sessions continued twice daily. The plant remained too large to easily move for photos, but Theia expressed deep satisfaction with its progress, marking this week as another successful chapter in the grow.

A Hindu Kush plant in its 9th weekA Hindu Kush plant in its 10th week

Week 11 and 12 

In week 11, Theia's Hindu Kush reached an impressive height of 130 cm, continuing to impress with its robust growth. The plant developed thick, chunky colas, some as thick as a baby’s arm, and emitted a zesty, sweet aroma when it moved in the breeze. Theia reduced the nutrient feed to 1.6 EC, focusing solely on Green Buzz Nutrients Organic Bloom for the remainder of the grow. The lights were dialed up to 60%, providing an average of 1100 µmol/m²/s across the canopy. The plant’s imposing structure and health made it a standout in the grow room, earning it the title of "queen" this run.

Week 12 saw the Hindu Kush maintain its size and strength, with buds continuing to bulk up. Theia described the plant as "the fattest, dankest Kush" ever grown, with massive, resinous buds forming all over. The nutrient feed was slightly reduced to 1.4-1.5 EC, with the focus on Organic Bloom Liquid. The lights remained at 60%, ensuring the plant received ample light to finish strong. Theia estimated another 14 to 21 days before harvest, with everything progressing smoothly as the plant approached its final stages of flowering.

A Hindu Kush plant in its 11th weekA Hindu Kush plant in its 12th week

Last week 13 

As Theia's Hindu Kush enters the final stretch, it stands tall at 130 cm, continuing to impress with its monstrous buds. The plant’s colas have become even more massive, surprising Theia with their size and density. The aroma from a simple leaf rub releases a divine scent of grapes and flowers, with a sweet, sticky undertone, prompting Theia to take clones from this exceptional specimen.
The plant is in its final 10 days before harvest, and the leaves are just beginning to show signs of nearing the end of their life cycle. Theia prefers to keep the plant well-fed until the chop, maintaining a nutrient feed of 1.4 EC. The grow remains issue-free, and the Hindu Kush has been an absolute pleasure to cultivate.
With the finish line in sight, Theia is looking forward to the final harvest, confident that this Kush will yield a potent and aromatic crop.

A Hindu Kush plant in its 13th weekA Hindu Kush plant in its 13th week

Harvest Hindu Kush

This plant proved to be incredibly easy to cultivate, despite initial concerns about maintaining proper humidity and temperature, given its preference for dry, temperate climates. Throughout the entire grow, Theia maintained a steady 58% RH without any issues.

The buds turned out massive, with the largest cola weighing in at 255 grams wet. The total wet weight of the harvest came to 844 grams from just one plant, and Theia expects a few buds to dry down to 2 ounces each. The flowers are huge and dense, with a rich floral aroma accented by hints of citrus and grape. Once the main terpenes fade, a sweet after-scent lingers, promising a flavorful experience.

A Hindu Kush plant ready for harvestA harvest Hindu Kush plant

To ensure a slow and even drying process, Theia decided to leave the leaves on the buds, preventing them from drying too quickly and becoming overly brittle. With two clones already vegging, Theia plans to bring them to flower, excited to see how they’ll perform based on the success of their mother.

Overall, Theia is thrilled with the harvest and eagerly anticipates the drying and curing process.

Grow your own Hindu Kush Feminized

Awesome grow right? Get yourself some Hindu Kush seeds and get started yourself!